Stage work for five dancers (2024)

For this new stage piece, Lenio Kaklea explores the theme of youth. We are surrounded by a multitude of products aimed at and supposedly made for ‘youth’: pop music, video clips, social media, fashion, electronic cigarettes, sodas, amusement parks, films, night clubs and cultural events. An entire market is oriented towards, nourished by and supposedly responsive to what youth wants. Together with the five dancers dancers from the BODHI PROJECT, Kaklea creates a highly dynamic choreographic score that questions what it means to be, feel, look, or simply identify or not with being young today.

Duration: 1 hour

Choreography and Stage Direction: Lenio Kaklea
Performers: BODHI PROJECT dance company (Gorik Bellemans, Mira Huszár, Jaeger Wilkinson, Jeanne Procureur, Luisa Heilbron)
Sound Design: Éric Yvelin
Light Design: Frank Lischka
Costumes: Olivier Mulin
Production: blackmountain
Residencies: SEAD, SQfarm, Probehaus Salzburg

Supported by Stadt Salzburg, Land Salzburg, BMKÖS, SEAD

Photos: Hugo Fidalgo, Tomas Laranjo